For most people around the world, 2020 has been very difficult and challenging. I spent a large portion of this year at home due to the stay at home orders, and being in the high-risk group due to having muscular dystrophy and breathing on a ventilator. Thus, my plans for doing trail reviews were put on hold as I would have to travel outside of the county, which we're not supposed to do during our strict stay at home orders.
Fortunately, there are wheelchair accessible trails near where I live. Here is one that kept me sane from going bonkers being home months on end.
Few weeks later the stay at home order began.

We lived close to an evacuation order area
I am hopeful now that with covid-19
vaccines starting to be delivered, that by the summer of 2021 I will be able to make accessible trail reviews again.
Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives.